Why should you list on Odoco?

Ready to List your service on Odoco ?

Upload your profile picture, description of service including years of experience, track records and professional details.

Create a video listing of service(s) you are offering(s)

And get engaged for your service!


How do I start listing on Odoco?
You need to sign up for an Odoco account. After your account has been created, you can start listing your business and services you provide on your Dashboard.
Yes, but each profile is registered with 1 email account/mobile number and business. You are encouraged to use 1 profile and list your different services together. Duplicates will be removed by admin.
Your Odocor account can only be used for listing as a business or service provider, it cannot be used to view other Odocor’s listings. You may create another user account with a different email address if to view other listings.
What is the difference between my profile name & username?
Your Profile Name is the name displayed to clients. Your username, which is the email you use to register, is for logging in purpose.
Go to your dashboard under Profile>Edit Profile.
Go to your Dashboard under Profile>Packages to list a video introduction of your business.