Frequently Asked Questions

Odocor (Business & Service Providers)

Setting up, Profile & Listing Management

1. How do I start listing on Odoco?

You need to sign up for an Odoco account. After your account has been created, you can start listing your business and services you provide on your Dashboard.

2. Can I create multiple profiles on Odoco?

Yes, but each profile is registered with 1 email account/mobile number and business. You are encouraged to use 1 profile and list your different services together. Duplicates will be removed by admin.

3. Why can’t I use my Odocor account to view services from other Odocors?

Your Odocor account can only be used for listing as a business or service provider, it cannot be used to view other Odocor’s listings. You may create another user account with a different email address if to view other listings.

4. What is the difference between my profile name & username?

Your Profile Name is the name displayed to clients. Your username, which is the email you use to register, is for logging in purpose.

5. How do I edit my profile

Go to your dashboard under Profile>Edit Profile.

6. How do I change my list my business.

Go to your Dashboard under Profile>Packages to list a video introduction of your business.

7. How do I input my calendar availability for receiving discovery calls?

Go to your dashboard, click on “Edit Calendar” >select dates not available > “Save & Continue.” Dates not blocked are deemed as available. 

8. How do I unblock my calendar’s blocked out dates?

Go to your dashboard, click on “Edit Calendar”>select dates that are blocked>remove from unavailability>” Yes”

9. How do I change my profile image, gallery images, documents & videos?

For Gallery & Documents: Go to Dashboard>Profile>Gallery>Save & Continue.

For Videos: Go to Dashboard>Profile>Packages>Delete or Upload>Save & Continue.

10. How do I amend my appointments for discovery calls?

We do not encourage you to amend your appointments. However, if you do have an emergency, please contact your client before cancelling or changing appointment date. Go to Dashboard>Appointment>Reschedule>Select preferred date & time

11. Why can’t I put more pictures/videos?

Every Odocor is only allowed to upload 3 images and 2 documents for 1 business account.  You may upload more videos foreach  different service.

12. How do I contact client?

Go to Dashboard>Messages

You are not able to communicate with other Odocors or clients that did not reach out to you.

13. Will I get notifications when client replies?

Yes, there will be notification on your message panel when you are logged in. Do allow notifications on the browser. Please note that there will not be notification on your mobile phone or desktop/laptop.

14. How do I change my password?

Go to Dashboard>Change Password

15. Why does my video & images look distorted?

The ideal video & image upload size is 1080px x 1920px

Fulfilling consultation

1. How will I know that I have a discovery call appointment?

When a Client book a discovery call, the Odocor/Consultant is notified by email. The appointment details will also be shown in your appointment page on dashboard.


2. How do I take my appointment?

Once you finish the video call session, it will be marked as completed and will automatically be reflected as “completed” in “Appointments”. In the event that the call is disconnected, please re-login to complete the session from the email link or from your appointment page.

Odoco Users (Clients)

Setting up, Managing Profile & Appointments

1. How do I start?

You need to sign up for an Odoco account to enjoy full access. After your account has been created, you can start enquiring on the services with our inhouse chat system, make booking for discovery calls and provide comments.

2. Can I create multiple profiles on Odoco?

Yes, but each profile is registered with 1 email account/mobile number. You are encouraged to use only 1 profile.

3. What is the difference between my profile name & username?

Your Profile Name is the name displayed to Odocors. Your username is the email you use for logging in purpose.

4. How do I edit my profile

Go to homepage and hover around your Profile Name> Profile

5. Can I use my user account to list as a Business/Odocor?

No, you will need another user id & email to register as a business/Odocor.

6. How do I amend my appointments?

We do not encourage you to amend your appointments. However, if you do have an emergency, please contact the Odocor you are havinga appointment with via our inhouse chat system before cancelling or changing appointment date. Go to Hompage>Dashboard>Appointments>Reschedule

7. How do I contact the Business/Odocor that I would like to enquire with?

Select the Odocor you would like to contact, click into their profile and “contact seller.” This will lead you to our Odocor internal chat system and you may message the Odocor directly.


8. Will I get notifications when an Odocor replies?

Yes, there will be notification on your message panel when you are logged in. Do allow notifications on the browser. Please note that there will not be notification on your mobile phone or desktop/laptop.

9. How do I do a discovery call?

Go to our Odoco in house ChatBox to request for free trial call with consultant. Click “Trial Call” and wait for consultant to accept. Do note the “Trial Call” button will only turn green when the Odocor is online to receive your call.

10. How do I make an appointment for discovery call?

Go to selected Odocor profile page by clicking their profile picture on listing page, click “book n appointment” and select your preferred time & date for the session. A confirmation with summary of booking will pop up. Check the details before confirming.


Video Consultation

1. I got disconnected, how do I re-enter?

Use the email link that you have received when you book the appointment.

Alternatively, go to Appointment>Ready. Clicking on “ready” will lead you back to the video session.


2. Can I have a copy of the video discovery call?

We do not record nor store the video session.


3. Can I retrieve the messages and documents transferred to me during the consultation?

No, we do not store nor have access to the messages and documents transferred during the video session. Please save the documents to your device during the session.


4. The video is choppy and laggy.

Do ensure you have a stable internet connection and the browser used for the video call session is not running heavily with many tabs. Having other software running on the device will also affect the session.