Community Guidelines


Last updated, September 2023

Odoco's wants to create a global community where people can have access to global professionals and connect with others across the world without the boundaries of physical borders. We are inspired by each and every one of our community members and value their perspectives, beliefs, and views We are committed to maintaining a supportive environment for our growing community. Our Community Guidelines establish a set of norms and common code of conduct that provide for a safe and welcoming space for everyone.

At Odoco, we prioritize safety, diversity, inclusion, and authenticity. We encourage every user to celebrate what makes them unique and viewers to engage with what inspires them; we believe that a safe environment helps everyone do so openly.  We prize the global nature of our community and strive to take into account the breadth of cultural norms where we operate. We also aim to cultivate an environment for genuine interactions by encouraging authentic content on Odoco.

Our Community Guidelines apply to everyone and everything on Odoco. We proactively enforce them using a mix of technology and human moderation and aim to do so before people report potentially violative content to us. We also encourage our community members to report any content or account they believe violates our Community Guidelines.

We will remove any content – including video, audio images, comments, links, or other text – that violates our Community Guidelines. Users are notified of our decisions and can appeal them if they believe no violation has occurred. We will temporarily or permanently ban accounts and/or users that are involved in severe or repeated on-platform violations; we may also consider actions on other platforms and offline behaviour in these decisions. Circumstances that involve any instance of a threat of real-world harm to human life that is specific, credible, and imminent may be reported to law enforcement authorities. The full Odoco experience is for people 18 and older, and we actively remove accounts of people we suspect are under this age. (We may accommodate people under 13 in Odoco through an account owned by a parent or legal guardian with limited experience.)

At the same time, we recognize that some content that would normally be removed per our Community Guidelines may be in the public interest. Therefore, we may allow exceptions under certain limited circumstances, such as educational, documentary, scientific, artistic, or satirical content, content in fictional or professional settings, counter speech, or content that otherwise enables individual expression on topics to showcase their profession.

In consultation with relevant stakeholders, we update our Community Guidelines from time to time to evolve alongside new behaviours and risks, as part of our commitment to keeping Odoco a safe place for creativity and joy.

Integrity and Authenticity


Misrepresentation is defined as fraudulent, negligent, or innocent misstatements, or an incomplete statement of a material fact.

Misleading profile information

Do not:

  • Post a fake name, location, gender, or photo in your user profile. 
  • Present a fake document(s) if asked to verify your identity. 
  • Write misleading content in your profile description, skills, or education. 
  • Provide licensed services without the right license.
  • Do not post non-original videos or videos that you do not have the right to use in your profile

Misrepresenting in listing 

 Do not:

  • Copy descriptions, packages, and other consultants from other users.  
  • Raise the price of your service in personal messages before or after purchase.
  • Have someone else present you in your video consultation. 
  • Post non-original images or images you do not have the right to use in your listing.


We define spam on Odoco as a messaging activity that is unwanted, repeatedly occurring, and disruptive to the experience of recipients. Spam can take many forms ranging from unwanted offers to commercially-motivated solicitations that aim to drive traffic or attention to websites, products, and services outside of Odoco.

Please respect our members’ privacy by not contacting them with offers, questions, suggestions, or anything which is not directly related to their orders.

Do not:

  • Contact our users with offers, questions, suggestions, or anything unrelated to their enquiries.
  • Send multiple unsolicited or deceptive messages. 
  • Abuse our communication tools to distribute mass messages. 

Prohibited Services

Odoco is an open marketplace where Odocors can offer a great variety of services. However, we prohibit certain types of services on Odoco. Some services can pose unwanted risks for our users like legal or financial risks; others are simply not in line with our values and policies.

Here are the type of services prohibited on Odoco: 

Services that can pose legal risks for our users

 Do not offer or ask for:

  • Illegal services.
  • Services that are meant to support any illegal activity.
  • Fake documents — the creation, changing, or editing of official documents such as IDs, passports, driver’s license, bank statements, or death and birth certificates.

Services that can pose financial risks for our users        

 Do not offer or ask for:

  • Services that require getting access to the client’s personal sensitive financial information.
  • Opening, managing, or implementing changes in a user’s bank account. 
  • Providing personal loans.

Services that have a high risk of piracy or hacking

 Do not offer or ask for:

  • Hacking or cracking services. 
  • Services involving hacked or cracked software products (themes, templates, etc).  
  • Setup pirate accounts. 

Services that infringe third parties’ terms of service

We do not allow the infringement of third parties’ terms of service on Odoco. As a valued member of the Odoco community, we ask you to respect the broader Internet community and refrain from such violations in your services. Services that are flagged for violations of third parties terms of service will be removed from the marketplace. 

Do not post, offer, or ask for services that infringe third parties’ terms of service. 

Misleading Services

Do not post, offer, or ask for:

  1. Paid reviews

Positive or negative feedback on any product, service, or performance.

  1. Testimonials

A written or spoken statement of a person extolling the virtues of a product or a service.  

  1. Fake engagement and traffic

Followers, traffic, visitors, fans, views on social media platforms, or any other fake engagement on any platform.

  1. Deepfakes

Deepfakes are created using artificial intelligence technology that superimposes the movements and words of one person onto another.

Services that promise outcomes that are not in your control 

In certain instances, sellers may be tempted to promise outcomes of their service which is not in their control. For example, guaranteeing to restore your personal account or promising an exact amount of viewers for a Youtube video by its digital promotion. Please refrain from promising outcomes that are not in your control because it misleads buyers. 

Services That involve sharing personal information of third parties 

We do not allow services that breach 3rd-party rights and lead to spamming individuals. In order to ensure this policy, we ask that the data provided in these services will be unique to each order and will only contain business data. 

 Do not post, offer, or ask for:  

  • Lists with data (such as email addresses or phone numbers) of individuals, only business data.
  • Premade lists containing personal data.
  • Scraping social media platforms to obtain information about others.  


Discrimination means unfair or unequal treatment of an individual or group based on age, disability, ethnicity, gender, marital status, race, religion, and sexual orientation.

Odoco will investigate claims of discrimination on a case-by-case basis, and defend protected groups whenever possible.

Do not:

  • Express your unwillingness to work with a person or a group of people based on age, disability, ethnicity, gender, marital status, race, religion, sexual orientation, or other similar ground.
  • Publish, offer, or ask for any content that expresses or supports discriminatory ideas. 
  • Offer or ask for the writing or editing of texts that support discriminatory ideas or practices.

Adult, Nudity, and Sexual Activity

Explicit content meant to be sexually gratifying is not allowed on Odoco. If detected or reported, sexually explicit content will be blocked and participants could be banned from the marketplace. Videos and deliveries portraying violent, graphic, or humiliating fetishes are also not allowed. 

Sexually explicit content featuring minors and content that seeks to sexually exploit minors is prohibited on Odoco. We immediately report content that violates this policy to the The Ministry of Social and Family Development of Singapore (MSF) and the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, who work with global law enforcement agencies.

Do not post, offer or ask for:

  • Nude or adult related images, or videos.
  • Sex or sexual partners.
  • Sex chats or conversations.
  • Non-consensual images.
  • Child/or child-like sex.
  • Sexual violence or denigration.
  • Sexually charged modeling.
  • The execution of fetish scenarios.
  • Sexually charged voiceovers.
  • Content that depicts explicit sexual activity, unless the conditions for “documentary exception,” as listed below, exist.

Odoco will act quickly to block transactions that feature child nudity and will flag the offending account for review.   

Anti-Harassment Policy 

Odoco prohibits any and all behaviour and communication on the platform that is inappropriate and could be considered harassment. This includes, but is not limited to bullying, sexual advances, offensive comments/conduct, or discrimination, based on race, colour, religion, sex, sexual orientation, ethnicity, or national origin.

When communicating on Odoco, do not:

  • Solicit any sexual interaction. 
  • Ask inappropriate personal questions.
  • Express sexual advances or sexual innuendos.
  • Use profanity, lewd, or derogatory terms.
  • Use offensive or culturally inappropriate/insensitive communication.

Odoco will act quickly to restrict users who harass on the platform.

Fake News

Odoco defines Fake News as false or intentionally misleading information or propaganda that is developed and presented as authentic news. If it is reported or flagged that Odoco's platform is being used to create or promote the spread of fake news; we will investigate and take action accordingly. 

Political and Election policies

Odoco will not tolerate attempts to use the Odoco marketplace to undermine elections. Election Interference is defined as any attempt to interfere with the voting process or to destabilise and undermine public faith in free and fair elections. 

Political affiliation

A user's political affiliation is not a basis for rejecting an offer on Odoco. 

Do not express your unwillingness to work with a person or a group of people based on political affiliation.

Intellectual Property

If you believe any of the uploaded content violates your copyright or a related exclusive right, you can report to our customer service here.

Upon receipt of a report from a rights holder or an authorized representative, we will remove or restrict content that engages in:

  • Copyright infringement
  • Trademark infringement


Do not:

  • Threaten violence against another community member
  • Offer or ask for service that threaten violence against individuals, groups, or the general public.

Glorification of violence

Using Odoco to create content that glorifies, promotes or expresses support for acts of violence, is not acceptable. 

Please do not offer or ask for:  orders that promote, support and/or glorify violence.


Incitement means encouraging or asking other people to engage in unlawful conduct.  Be aware that inciting others to commit a crime may be a crime in itself, regardless of the outcome of the request. 

Do not:

  • Ask for or instruct people to break the law.
  • Engage in activities of questionable legality.


International and domestic terror organisations sometimes use the internet to create and spread propaganda designed to radicalize vulnerable people and to develop materials designed to foster and aid terrorist attacks.

Do not offer or ask for:

  • The promotion of terrorist activities.
  • Services or products related to terror organizations or terrorists.
  • Editing Content linked to terrorist acts.
  • Recruitment to terror organizations.

We do allow people to offer or ask for content regarding the research of terror or content that is related to the prevention of terror.

Dangerous acts and challenges

We do not permit users to share content depicting, promoting, normalising or glorifying dangerous acts that may lead to serious injury or death. We also do not allow content which promotes or endorses collective participation in dangerous or harmful activities that violate any aspect of our Community Guidelines.

We define dangerous acts or other dangerous behaviour as activities conducted in a non-professional context or without the necessary skills and safety precautions that may lead to serious injury or death for the user or the public. This includes amateur stunts or dangerous challenges.

Suicide and self-harm

We remove uploads and content that depicts suicide, involves suicidal ideation, or that might encourage suicidal or self-injurious behaviour. We also remove uploads and content that depicts attempted suicide or behaviour likely to lead to self-inflicted death. We prohibit any form of uploads and content that promotes, normalises, or glorifies suicide, provides instructions for suicide, or posts that portray a suicide as heroic or honourable. Circumstances that involve any instance of a threat of real-world harm to human life that is specific, credible, and imminent may be reported to law enforcement authorities.

Uploads and content that encourages or promotes suicide or self-harm hoaxes are also not allowed. This includes alarming warnings that could cause panic and widespread harm. We will remove such warnings, while allowing content that seeks to dispel panic and promote accurate information about such hoaxes.

Do not post, upload, stream, or share:

  • Content that depicts, promotes, normalises, or glorifies suicide or self-harm
  • Content that provides instructions for suicide or how to engage in self-harm
  • Suicide or self-harm games, dares, challenges, pacts, or hoaxes

Criminal activities

Criminal activities cover a wide spectrum of acts punishable by law, including theft, assault, human exploitation, counterfeiting, and other harmful behaviour. To prevent such behaviour from being normalised, imitated, or facilitated, we remove uploads & content that promotes or enables criminal activities.

Do not post, upload, stream, or share:

  • Content that promotes acts of physical harm, such as assault or kidnapping
  • Content that risks the safety of others, including swatting
  • Content that promotes human exploitation, including human smuggling, bonded labour, domestic servitude, sex trafficking, or prostitution
  • Content that promotes vandalism or damage to property
  • Content that promotes the poaching or illegal trade of wildlife
  • Content that offers the purchase, sale, trade, or solicitation of unlawfully acquired or counterfeit goods
  • Content that provides instructions on how to conduct criminal activities that result in harm to people, animals, or property


We do not allow the depiction, promotion, or trade of firearms, ammunition, firearm accessories, or explosive weapons. We also prohibit instructions on how to manufacture those weapons. We may allow depiction when appearing in educational contexts (e.g., as part of a museum's collection), involving authorised government personnel (e.g., a police officer) or used in a safe and controlled environment (e.g., shooting range, recreational hunting).

Do not post, upload or share:

  • Content that displays firearms, firearm accessories, ammunition, or explosive weapons
  • Content that offers the purchase, sale, trade, or solicitation of firearms, accessories, ammunition, explosive weapons, or instructions on how to manufacture them

Drugs, controlled substances, alcohol, and tobacco

We do not allow the depiction, promotion, or trade of drugs or other controlled substances. The trade of tobacco and alcohol products is also prohibited on the platform.

Do not post, upload or share:

  • Content that depicts or promotes drugs, drug consumption, or encourages others to make, use, or trade drugs or other controlled substances
  • Content that offers the purchase, sale, trade, or solicitation of drugs or other controlled substances, alcohol or tobacco products (including vaping products, smokeless or combustible tobacco products, synthetic nicotine products, E-cigarettes, and other ENDS [Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems])
  • Content that provides information on how to buy illegal or controlled substances
  • Content that depicts or promotes the misuse of legal substances, or instruction on how to make homemade substances, in an effort to become intoxicated

Frauds and scams

We do not permit anyone to exploit our platform to take advantage of the trust of users and bring about financial or personal harm. We remove content that deceives people in order to gain an unlawful financial or personal advantage, including schemes to defraud individuals or steal assets.

Do not post, upload or share:

  • Content that promotes phishing
  • Content that promotes Ponzi, multi-level marketing, or pyramid schemes
  • Content that promotes investment schemes with promise of high returns, fixed betting, or any other types of scams


We do not allow content promoting gambling services, or that could be perceived as advertising for casinos, sports betting, or any other commercial gambling activity.

Do not post, upload, stream, or share:

  • Content that promotes casinos, sports betting, poker, lotteries, gambling-related software and apps, or other gambling services

Privacy, personal data, and personally identifiable information (PII)

We do not allow content that violates the confidentiality of personal data or personally identifiable information (e.g., social security information, phone numbers, physical addresses). We remove content that depicts personal data or personally identifiable information (PII) from the platform.

Do not post, upload, stream, or share:

  • Content that contains personal data or personally identifiable information (PII) 

Dangerous stunts and sports

Certain activities can be risky or dangerous when replicated without safety precautions, which could lead to physical harm. Content that includes dangerous stunts, or extreme sports performed by non-professionals, may be ineligible. (We remove content that depicts dangerous acts and challenges performed by non-professionals, which may lead to serious injury or death for the user or the public).

Unoriginal, low-quality, and QR code content

Original and uploads form the core of the Odoco community. To maintain the positive experience our users expect from the Odoco platform, unoriginal and low-quality content is ineligible for recommendation. We consider content not original if it is imported or uploaded from Odoco, other platforms, or other sources including television, movies, or webcasts, and the user has not added new, creative edits. One indicator that the content is not original is a visible watermark or superimposed logo. Low quality content includes extremely short clips, static images, and exclusively-GIF based videos. Content that includes QR codes is usually ineligible because it can lead users to harmful websites or apps, though we make exceptions in certain circumstances where that risk is low.

Minor safety

We are deeply committed to protecting the safety of minors on our platform. Odoco defines a minor as any person under the age of 18. We prohibit activities that perpetuate the abuse, harm, endangerment, or exploitation of minors on Odoco. Any content, including animation or digitally created or manipulated media, that depicts abuse, exploitation, or endangerment of minors is a violation on our platform and will be removed & reported when detected. We report child sexual abuse material and will send supporting evidence to The Ministry of Social and Family Development of Singapore (MSF), The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children and to any additional relevant legal authorities.

Our users must meet the minimum age requirements to use Odoco, as stipulated in our Terms of Service. When an underage account is identified, we will immediately remove it.  

Do not post, upload or share:

  • Content that shares, reshares, offers to trade or sell, or directs users off platform to obtain or distribute child sexual abuse materials
  • Content that engages with minors in a sexualised way, or otherwise sexualises a minor (e.g., via product features like duets)
  • Content that depicts, solicits, glorifies, or encourages child abuse imagery including nudity, sexualised minors, or sexual activity with minors
  • Content that depicts, promotes, normalizes, or glorifies pedophilia or the sexual assault of a minor
  • Content that re-victimized or capitalises on minor victims of abuse by third party reshares or re-enactments of assault or confessions

Grooming behaviour

Grooming behaviours are those in which an adult builds an emotional relationship with a minor in order to gain the minor's trust for the purposes of future or ongoing sexual contact, sexual abuse, trafficking, or other exploitation. These behaviours may include: flattery, requests for contact on or off platform, requests for personal information, solicitation of minor sexual abuse material, sexual solicitations or comments, and gift-giving.

Do not post, upload or share:

  • Grooming advances
  • Content that depicts, promotes, normalizes, or glorifies grooming behaviours
  • Content that solicits real-world contact between a minor and an adult or between minors with a significant age difference
  • Content that displays or offers nudity to minors
  • Content that solicits minors to connect with an adult on another platform, website, or other digital space
  • Any solicitation of nude imagery or sexual contact, through blackmail or other means of coercion

Nudity and sexual activity involving minors

Nudity and sexual activity involving minors include content that is overtly revealing of breasts, genitals, anus, or buttocks, or behaviours that mimic, imply, or display sex acts involving minors. We do not allow the depiction, including digitally created or manipulated content, of nudity or sexual activity.

Do not post, upload or share:

  • Content that depicts or implies minor sexual activities including penetrative and non-penetrative sex, oral sex, or intimate kissing
  • Content that depicts sexual arousal or sexual stimulation involving a minor
  • Content that depicts a sexual fetish involving a minor
  • Content that depicts exposed genitals, buttocks, the pubic region, or female nipples of a minor
  • Content that contains sexually explicit language depicting or describing a minor
  • Content depicting a minor that contains sexually explicit song lyrics
  • Content with sexually explicit dancing of a minor, including twerking, breast shaking, pelvic thrusting, or fondling the groin or breasts of oneself or another
  • Content depicting a minor undressing
  • Content depicting a minor in minimal clothing that is not situationally relevant to the location
  • Sexualized comments, emojis, text, or other graphics used to veil or imply nudity or sexual activity of a minor

Harmful activities by minors

Harmful minor activities include the possession or consumption of substances prohibited for minors, the misuse of legal substances, engagement in illegal activities, and participation in activities, physical challenges, or dares that may threaten the well-being of minors. We remove any such content from our platform.

Do not post, upload or share:

  • Content that suggests, depicts, imitates, or promotes the possession or consumption of alcoholic beverages, tobacco, or drugs by a minor
  • Content that offers instruction targeting minors on how to buy, sell, or trade alcohol, tobacco, or controlled substances
  • Content that depicts or promotes activities that may jeopardize youth well-being, including physical challenges, dares, or stunts

Physical and psychological harm of minors

Behaviours that place minors at risk of physical or psychological harm include physical abuse, neglect, child endangerment, and psychological disparagement. We remove any such content from our platform.

Do not post, upload or share:

  • Content that depicts or promotes physical abuse, neglect, endangerment, or psychological disparagement of minors

Crimes against children

We do not allow users who have been convicted of crimes against children to have an account on our platform. These crimes include: sexual assault, molestation, murder, physical abuse or neglect, abduction, international parental kidnapping, trafficking, exploitation of minors for prostitution, live online sexual abuse of a minor, sexual exploitation of minors in the context of travel and tourism, attempts to obtain or distribute child sexual abuse materials, and the production, possession, or distribution of child sexual abuse materials. If we discover any such users, we ban the account. Any self-disclosed user information that states the account holder is a paedophile or minor sex offender will be taken at face value and the account will be deleted.

Do not post, upload or share:

  • Content that shows the potentially inappropriate use of dangerous tools or objects
  • Content that depicts dangerous driving behaviour
  • Content that depicts or promotes ingesting substances that are not meant for consumption and could lead to severe harm
  • Content that describes or provides instructional detail on how to perform a dangerous activity
  • Dangerous games, dares, challenges, or stunts that might lead to injury or property damage 

Thank you for being a part of our vibrant global community and working with us to maintain a welcoming space for all users. If you come across content or accounts that you believe may violate our Community Guidelines, please let us know  so we can review and take appropriate action.